Mysticism, one of the most valuable concepts of civilization collection in Anatolia, reveals one of the most genuine interpretations of Islam with almost a thousand year history with the paths and methods that have been institutionalized during this history. Anatolian Islam mysticism which, in its basis, starts in the middle Asia near the end of first century and almost lasts 250 years of Turkish Islamisation gradually filtering the concepts God, prophet, human, city, civilization, environment/nature/universe has been peaked in the capital of Anatolian Seljuk Empire by meaning elders like Mevlana, Yunus, Ibn Arabi, Sadreddin Konevi, Necmeddin Daye, Hodja Nasreddin.

The sense of Islam mysticism in Anatolia, prepared a ground to establishing a society that believed all the believers are one in the presence of God, together and brothers. Mysticism that is beyond languages and colors which emphasizes the idea of unity in the light of tawhid(unity); yet again put forth a new metaphysic around the same idea. According to this Unity Of Existence (Unity of Body) which is the central idea of Anatolian mysticism, namely anything that exists can exist due to God and with God(only). In the expression and understanding of the Unity Of Existence, Scholars and the Wise of Anatolia mostly pointed out the aesthetic, the artful and the beautiful. Therefore, poem, music, calligraphy, ornamentation, marbling, Hacivat-Karagöz, shadow puppetry and other arts are mostly shaped in lodges and dervish convents in Anatolia. ‘God, the real owner of presence, has expressed his own existence and oneness in his creations with art, beauty and niceness’. From this point of view, Sufis, specifically paid attention to art and the symbolic language of art.

Cinema, which counts as the most developed and efficient art of modern era, is the most appropriate art for both the existence and universal view of mysticism and the time and ground acceptance. Finally, there are many technical and mental indirect attributions to the idea of cinema both in Hz. Mevlana and Ibn Arabi starting from the idea that the realm we live in is an example, imagination and temporary. Apart from that, cinema is also a primary medium to express the basic view of Anatolian mysticism (God, Prophet, Human, City, Civilization and Environment/Nature/Universe) with the clearest and the most understandable language. Also, mysticism has a huge saving that can become an opinion/idea and scenario in terms of cinema art.

Even though the connection between mystic and cinema heretofore has been pointed out in different mediums in our country; permanent studies that will affect world cinema and also the ones that will contribute to the understanding of  mystic, knowledge and civilization haven’t been made. Sufisin (Sufi Cinema Days) is the expression of the effort of pointing out the huge cognition and opinion treasure we have in this area.

When taking a look from this direction, Sufisin, targets to reach the lobby power and a leader position with scenario and approach support in this area by the transportation of mystic savings of Konya’s and Anatolia’s to the world humanity with via cinema art.

Sufisin, expects to promote our religion, mystic, poem, human, nature, government and civilization experience that Turkish cinema has not yet realized, draw the attention of the film makers and reveal new works and products in the area.

Sufisin is going to be an important step on the way of Konya, a 1000 year culture and civilization capital, the center of Hz. Mevlana and spiritual love to become prepared to a magnificent future just like it’s past, to become an appeal center and label city, being more supportive in terms of intellectual and aesthetic context, resurrecting an area that many institution have ignored.

According to the resolution of the  Governorship, Konya Metropolitan Municipality and other relevant institutions  in Konya in 1999; in the context of spreading the following events to a year, Hz. Mevlana, Mevleviyeh and mysticism; beside The Anniversary Meeting of Mevlana in December 10-17 , the remembrance events of Mevlaa non his birth anniversary and Mystic Music Festival in September 22-30, events have started to be held on the arrival anniversary of Mevlana and his family’s to Konya between the dates of May 3-5.

The dates between 3-5 May on which nothing permanent has been done until now except the representative welcome carried out  by mostly Konya Metropolitan Municipality,  is now going to gain a new countenance with Sufisin.

Among the events held until now related to Hz. Mevlana, mevleviyeh  on different dates of a year; only the Arrival Anniversary of Mevlana and his family to Konya on 3-5 May  has not been institutionalized and couldn’t reach the level in order to contribute to the city, to humanity and culture economy.

With Sufisin, a new breath will be brought to the city’s culture-art life and also room will be made for a new field while the city being prepared in the context of culture economy.